
For more than 30 years, TEAC has been developing products for every segment of the sound and music industry. From major studios of high-end audio professionals to the cozy living rooms of novices and hobbyists, TEAC is everywhere. We are a company committed to equipping our customers with audio/video solutions that are as groundbreaking and exciting as they are accessible. In short, we provide the tools that transfer creativity into reality.

After virtually creating the home recording scene during the early 1970s, TEAC went on to achieve recognition for pioneering products in the recording industry. Our legacy of product development and innovation is reflected in the sheer number of industry firsts we’ve achieved, including the first 8-track, reel-to-reel/mixer combo.

As evidenced by the awards we’ve received, most notably an Oscar in 2001 for our MMR-8 digital audio dubber’s contribution to the Dolby Surround EX final mix for “The Lord of the Rings,” TEAC products are in a class of their own. TEAC is one of 4 divisions of the TEAC Corporation, a $ 1.2 billion manufacturing company headquartered in Japan. Since its foundation in 1953, other divisions of TEAC have evolved into high-tech leaders in data storage devices, consumer electronic tools and industrial products, whereas TEAC remained dedicated to making innovative products in the field of music and audio.

During the formative years in the early 70s, the music scene was flourishing. Musicians who wanted to showcase their talent to the recording industry needed a cost-effective way to record their music. However, most of them could afford neither the expense of recording in a professional studio nor the asking price of professional equipment. Realizing the dilemma these musicians were facing, TEAC adopted a philosophy of manufacturing recording equipment that offered the uncompromising quality and durability of professional studio equipment while remaining affordable to the masses at the same time.

As TEAC enters its fourth decade in the music industry, we plan to make our future closely mirror our history. It’s about dedication. We seek to provide the very technology our customers want and need. Our ear will stay open to the needs and wishes of our followers so we can make them reality. That’s the TEAC way.