Genie 52 SC Calculator

No. d'article: 502354

No. d'article du fabricant: 10429

Langue: Deutsch, Français, Italiano, English

Label: Genie

Emballage: 165 x 225 x 25 mm

EAN/UPC: 4015468104296

Date de sortie: 14-05-2021

Disponibilité prévue: L'article est temporairement manquant


9.90TVA incl.

Image originale

Technical-scientific calculator with 136 functions and 10 digit display.
  • Scientific pocket calculator (School calculator - not programmable) - curriculum adapted for school (middle school, secondary level I & II, advanced level), all schools (integrated comprehensive school, Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium, Abitur G8 / G9), Berufsschule (eg commercial, technical and advanced) Education), studies (eg computer science, electrical engineering), university, university of applied sciences and profession (eg finance and accounting)
  • Power supply: battery (included)
  • Including instructions with computing examples and 1 protective cover (stable hardcover)
  • 10-digit, large display (one line, 2 exponent display)
  • Large buttons
  • Calculator with correction function to correct typing errors
  • (M buttons) - M + performs an addition of the number in the display with the number in the memory, MR displays the sum / stored value in the memory
  • (S), SCI / FIX / normal function, trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent), percentage (%) and root (?), hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions, logarithmic functions (logarithmic functions) , Statistics functions (statistics), random number generator, change sign (+ / -), calculation and conversion in new wheel, altitude and radians, calculation of polar to rectangular (+ inverse)
Type de produit
Calculatrice scolaire